Corn Husks / Hojas para Tamales are corn leaves that are needed to make tamales . A dough made from corn flour is made, wrapped in the leaves and then cooked. These leaves are used in Mexico to make various types of tamales, which can be filled with meat, cheese, chiles, etc. depending on your taste. You can also find the right corn flour for tamales here.
Corn leaves replace banana leaves in the preparation of some traditional dishes. Humitas, hullacas and bollos are also made with corn leaves.
At Hola México you will find the corn flour for making tamales, although tamales in Mexico are also made with precooked flour from MASECA and NATURELO.
Note: Corn leaves are a natural product. Therefore, we cannot guarantee a consistent shape, color or size. Discoloration of the leaves is of natural origin and does not constitute a defect.
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